stuffy nose after drinking
Why do I get a stuffy nose after drinking alcohol?
Stack Exchange Network The Stack Exchange network is composed of 176 Q ConA communities, including, the largest and most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge and build their careers. their communities Beer, Wine & Spirits Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for alcohol fans and those interested in beer, wine or spirits. It only takes a minute to register. This is a strange question, but one I've been asking for a long time. When I drink alcohol, there's a sweet magic place where my nose feels very tense and sounds somewhat delicate while I talk. Drinking less and drinking more results in a clear and unfilled nose. It's clearly the swelling like blowing my nose results in no production and nasal spray like Afrin relieves it. This is what I found: NOTE: I have not observed filling other non-alcoholic beverages and I have no known food allergies. What about the alcoholic beverages that could cause this reaction, and why would it be less likely that alcoholic beverages or red wine would cause it to be beer and white wine? 1 Response 1 I'll keep it simple. The three alcoholic beverages have something different about them. You said wine and alcohol don't do much, but beer makes you stuffed. The sips are well known to cause filling and allergic reaction. It could be more than nipples, it could be something to do with the malt. You could try less padded beers so a Helles Lager vs an IPA and see if one makes you more or less stuffed. Most people have an allergic reaction to histamines in the wine, which causes the breakage of the face and neck and nasal congestion. You could take an antihistamine (Zyrtec or Benadryl) before you drink and see if that helps. Your answer Thank you for providing an answer to Beer, Wine & Spirits Stack Exchange! But avoid... To learn more, see our . Subscribe or Post as GuestRequired, but never shown Post as GuestRequired, but never shown By clicking on "Post Your Answer", you accept our, and Isn't that the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged or . Related Subscribe to RSS To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS feed. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; contributions of users with low license . rev 2021.3.11.38760
Why do I get a stuffy nose after drinking alcohol?
Why do I get congested when I drink alcohol? | Popular Science
Causes of Stuffy Nose on Drinking Alcohol | Stuffy nose, Alcoholic drinks, Nose
Why Does Wine Cause a Stuffy Nose? | Houston Methodist On Health
This Is Why You Feel Congested After A Night Of Drinking | by M. Ryan | OMGFacts | Medium
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Will Drinking Milk Make You More Congested? | The Active Times
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Stuffy nose during pregnancy | BabyCenter
The Water Dehydration Pinch Test (and the Benefits of Drinking Water) - BergerHenry ENT Specialty Group
Stuffy Nose Congestion | Medical Treatment of the Nose & Sinuses | Carlsbad, CA 92011
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7 Natural Remedies for Congestion Relief and Stuffy Nose | Everyday Health
How to effectively clear your stuffy nose | OSF HealthCare
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How To Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose - Stuffy Nose Causes |
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